APR 2024
PETRAS Future Internet Workshop
Charith Perera attended
the Unveiling the Horizon for the Future of the Internet workshop, a series dedicated to exploring challenges and
priorities for future UKRI initiatives, held at Swansea University's Bay Campus. This event facilitated discussions
on technological advancements, cybersecurity, and the evolving digital landscape through community consultation and
expert contributions. The workshop featured a diverse range of speakers and interactive sessions.
FEB 2024
PETRAS We Are Connected 2024
We showcased the work of six PhD
stundets in the PETRAS We Are Connected 2024 event. The event was themed around the future of IoT and cybersecurity
and showcased the latest research and innovation. The event aimed to bring together academics, industry leaders and
government officials, enjoy an exciting, interactive exhibition, and hear informative, thought-provoking talks.
Exhibition Demo Reel
JAN 2024
CU-DUT Joint Workshop
Charith Perera delivered a talk
at the joint workshop hosted by Cardiff University and Dalian University of Technology in China, which was centered
on the development of Smart and Healthy Buildings and Cities aimed at achieving a Zero-Carbon Future. This talk
highlighted the crucial role of sensors in enhancing the security of modern infrastructures. It delved into the
importance of these sensors in detecting and mitigating potential threats in physical spaces, contributing to safer
and more secure urban environments.
JAN 2024
We have received funding from HEFCW ODA to develop a
multi-model AI system to accurately identify and count wildlife in camera trap images. The "CamTrap.AI" project
seeks to develop a semi-automatic wildlife image classification system using ensemble learning. It aims to
efficiently process large camera trap image datasets for wildlife conservation. The project will integrate multiple
image classification models to improve accuracy in identifying wildlife species.
Forest Observatory
DEC 2023
Technical Report
This year, our IoT research group focused on
three key themes, with PhD student Kira Nurse initiating projects in these areas. Nada Alhirabi completed her PhD on
Privacy-Aware IoT Applications, and Yaser Awwad achieved his MPhil with a project on Anomaly Detection using Smart
Cameras in low-light conditions. Our students presented their work at various conferences, including Wales Tech Week
and ACM Ubicomp. We hosted the PETRAS Regional Showcase "Connected Spaces" and engaged in potential collaboration
talks at the UW-NPS Research Station. Funding successes include support from the Google Research Scholar Program for
a neurodiversity project, the UK Defence and Security for the Edgy Organism project, and EPSRC PETRAS for an
AR-driven Smart City Demonstrator project. Additionally, team members completed the CyberASAP program, presenting
the CASPER Shield.
Annual Report
DEC 2023
Viva Defence (PhD)
Congratulation to
Nada Alhirabi for
passing her PhD with minor corrections. Nada worked on
Designing Privacy Aware Internet Of Things
Applications. Nada focuses on enhancing privacy in IoT development. It introduces a user-centric tool, PARROT,
designed to simplify and integrate privacy considerations into IoT application design. The research demonstrates
that PARROT effectively reduces privacy errors and increases developers' privacy awareness during the design phase.
This is achieved through an interactive methodology that facilitates early collaboration between developers and
legal experts, aligning with privacy-by-design principles.
PhD Project
NOV 2023
Viva Defence (MPhil)
Congratulation to
Yaser Abu Awwad
for passing his MPhil with minor corrections. Yaser worked on
Anomaly Detection on the Edge using Smart Cameras
under Low-Light Conditions. He also worked closely on Connected Communities in the Rural Economy (CoCoRE) 5G
Wales Unlocked.
5G Wales Unlocked
OCT 2023
Wales Tech Week 2023
Bayan Almuhander (PhD Student)
presented Privacy Cube in Wales Tech Week. Privacy Cube is a tangible device that facilitates interactive privacy
preferences management of IoT devices in shared spaces such as smart homes. Tech Week showcases technology and
champions the industry on the global stage. It connects, promotes and develops Wales as a centre of expertise for
enabling and emerging technologies and their applications for today's business and society.
Wales Tech Week 2023
Project Page
OCT 2023
Health and Care Research Wales Conference 2023
Reem Aldhafiri (PhD Student) presented her poster title
Privacy Assistant: An accessible privacy
management tool for older adults at the Health and Care Research Wales Conference 2023. We developed Privacy
Assistant, a novel conversational interface designed to help people in social care settings with low digital skills
to understand and configure their privacy settings on voice assistants. The Health and Care Research Wales
conference took place on 12 October 2023 at Swansea arena. The theme of this event was People make research.
Project Page
OCT 2023
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Kira Nurse
supervised by
Charith Perera (Computer Science), and Georgina Powell (Psychology) who will be working on
Tangible Interfaces for Assisting Young People with Neurodiversity Towards better Understanding Online Harms
project. This project is led by School of Psychology.
PhD Project
OCT 2023
Ubicomp Conference
Nada Alhirabi (PhD Student)
presented her full paper titled
"PARROT: Interactive Privacy-Aware Internet of Things Application Design
Tool" at Ubicomp 2023. In this paper, present an interactive IoT application design tool - PARROT (PrivAcy by
design tool foR inteRnet Of Things). This tool helps developers to design privacy-aware IoT applications, taking
account of privacy compliance during the design
process and providing real-time feedback on potential privacy violations.
Designing PbD IoT Application
AUG 2023
Bayan Al Muhander (PhD Student) presented
her poster paper titled
"Interactive Privacy Management: Towards Enhancing Privacy Awareness and Control in
Internet of Things" at SOUPS 2023. In this paper, we examine existing web, mobile, and IoT visualisation
approaches. Following that, we define five major privacy factors in the IoT context: (i) type, (ii) usage, (iii)
storage, (iv) retention period, and (v) access. We aim to highlight key approaches that developers and researchers
can use for creating effective IoT privacy notices.
Privacy Toolkit
JUL 2023
Cyberpsychology Section Annual Conference
Reem Aldhafiri (PhD Student) presented her poster
Enhancing Privacy Awareness and Digital Skills in Smart
Home Device Users with Privacy Assistant: A Conversational Interface for Older Adults at the Cyberpsychology
Section Annual Conference 2023 held at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne. Cyberpsychology is a
scientific inter-disciplinary domain that focuses on the psychological phenomena which emerge as a result of the
human interaction with digital technology, particularly the Internet.
Project Page
JUN 2023
PETRAS Regional Events
We organised the PETRAS Regional Showcase and Networking event. The event was thematically titled “Connected
Spaces”. Its primary objective was to create a confluence of various PETRAS projects and interdisciplinary
initiatives within the university.
Event Page
JUN 2023
SPRITE+ Conference
Nada Alhirabi (PhD Student) attended
SPRITE+ conference at the TITANIC Centre, Belfast as a PhD Student Ambassador. The programme included a range of
activities, including talks from expert fellows, lightning talks from community members, posters from early-career
researchers, presentations from clusters of sandpit-funded projects, and thematic workshops. SPRITE+ brings together
people involved in research, practice, and policy with a focus on digital contexts.
SPRITE+ Conference
JUN 2023
AMK Ranch (U. Wyoming) Visit
Charih Perera visited The
University of Wyoming-National Park Service (UW-NPS) Research Station as part of a Cardiff University delegation to
explore potential research collaborations. Cardiff University has signed a new Strategic Partnership Agreement with
the UoW to enable collaborative research projects, an annual series of seminars, conferences and workshops, staff
and PhD student mobility and collaborative education programmes.
University of Wyoming
AMK Ranch
UW-NPS Station
JUN 2023
Hakan Kayan, Yasar Majib, Mohammed Alosaimi
attended PETRAS Living Securely in the Internet of Things, An open, free event showcasing the best of PETRAS's
cutting edge research on IoT cybersecurity, and related issues of Privacy, Ethics, Trust, Reliability, Acceptability
and Security. The event aimed to bring together PETRAS's expansive network of academics, industry leaders and
government officials, enjoy an exciting, interactive exhibition, and hear informative, thought-provoking talks.
MAY 2023
PETRAS Health Care and Wellbeing
Charith Perera, Nada
Alhirabi, Hakan Kayan, Yasar Majib, Suhas Devmane attended PETRAS Health Care and Wellbeing event titled
Challenges of IoT and IoT-Cybersecurity in Healthcare & Wellbeing, and the Role of Academic/Industrial Research.
MAY 2023
We have received funding from EPSRC PETRAS
to develop an Augmented Reality Driven Smart City Demonstrator using Lego towards Public Engagement. The project
aims to capture the overall contributions made by over 150 projects funded through PETRAS Hun and the centre over
nearly a decade. PETRAS is a consortium of 24 research institutions and the world's largest socio-technical research
centre focused on the future implementation of the IoT.
Project Page
MAY 2023
EPSRC PETRAS Regional Showcase
We have received funding from
EPSRC PETRAS to host a Regional Showcase and Networking Event at Cardiff bringing regional partners together. Its
primary objective was to create a confluence of various PETRAS projects and interdisciplinary initiatives within the
MAY 2023
Norah Albazzai (PhD Student) presented her
poster paper titled
"Camera-Assisted Training of Non-Vision Sensors for Anomaly Detection" at IoTDI 2023. In
this paper, we propose a new approach to training non-vision sensors using a tiny camera and a pre-trained
MobileNetV2 model. Data from non-vision sensors are labelled based on the image classification from the tiny camera,
and an anomaly detection model is trained using these labelled data.
Augmenting Anomaly
Detection with Tiny Cameras
APR 2023
Postgraduate Research International Experience
Butterworth (PhD Student) visited www.dgfc.life to gain international research experience and conduct series
of field studies. Communications in the jungle is notoriously difficult and
Mark visited DGFC to test his hypothesis that the ionosphere can be reliably used to send
relatively low power signals. The idea is this can be applied to avoid having to check each trap
every day and instead, only the triggered traps would send a signal.
Forest Observatory Low-PowerIoT for
Harsh Environments
APR 2023
Sandpit: Low SWaP
Charith Perera attended a 5-day
interactive interdisciplinary sandpit to develop novel low size, weight and power (SWaP) computing projects for UK
defence and security applications. This sandpit activity intended to bring together new collaborators from across a
range of disciplines in UKRI's remit to solve complex and evolving research challenges within low SWaP computing for
defence and national security applications.
Sandpit Call
APR 2023
Google Research scholar Award
Charith Perera received
funding from Google to work on Tangible Interfaces for Assisting Young People with Neurodiversity Towards better
Understanding Online Harms. The Research Scholar Program provides unrestricted gifts to support research at
institutions around the world, and is focused on funding world-class research conducted by early-career professors.
Project Page
Award List
FEB 2023
CyberASAP Demo Day
Charith Perera,
Yasar Majib
(PhD Student) , and
Hakan Kayan (PhD Student) attended CyberASAP demo day and presented CASPER Shield. CASPER
Shield looks for abnormal occurrences using first-hand cyber and physical data rather than relying on insecurely
transmitted, manipulable second-hand data. It deploys AI-based algorithms to discover anomalies in real time, based
on the behaviours of devices and occupants. CyberASAP is funded by the UK Department for Science, Innovation and
Technology and delivered by Innovate UK KTN and Innovate UK, in partnership.
Project Page
DEC 2022
Technical Report
This year, our research group focused on three
IoT themes, with three PhD students undertaking related projects. We've nearly completed a Smart Home lab with 170
devices and deployed a 35-node IoT edge sensing network on Abacws' 5th floor. Two BSc students gained international
experience at DGFC, testing their dissertation projects, while two PhD students conducted user studies there. We
created a 6-week Cyber-Physical Smart Home dataset in collaboration with BRE, funded by PETRAS. Our progress in the
Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme (CyberASAP) explored commercialization opportunities. We
developed an 'Edge Analytics' MSc module with IIT Ropar and IIIT Kottayam, receiving further funding for its
expansion with Galala University, Egypt, funded by UK-Egypt TNE. The IoT module for BSc and MSc students included
practical systems development coursework.
Annual Report
DEC 2022
COMSC Away-day
Charith Perera presented an introductory
session at the COMSC Awayday. The COMSC Awayday comprised several themes, including one dedicated to brainstorming
and gathering ideas around creating innovation spaces to support and enhance teaching and research experience among
staff and students. The introduction to the session presentation comprises the lessons learned from Charith Perera's
visit to International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces (ISAM) conference. Makerspaces are one of the most common
innovation spaces in university settings which provide facilities ranging from 3D printing, laser cutting,
woodcutting, steel cutting, circuit fabrication, etextile and so on.
NOV 2022
PETRAS ResBE Presentation
Mary Zacharias (Research
Assistant) and
Charith Perera presented the final output of the ResBE project. PETRAS funded the ResBE
project under the Opportunity Fund s heme, which aimed to capitalise on the fellowship received by Charith Perera
from GCHQ. Charith Perera was seconded to the Building Research Establishment (BRE) during this project. In close
collaboration with BRE, we conducted a series of small projects comprising data analysis and developing AI-driven
tools to help ongoing research around smart homes and buildings.
PETRAS Center Demo
NOV 2022
ISAM-2022 Conference
Charith Perera visited the
International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces (ISAM), the preeminent annual meeting for the academic makerspace
community. Higher education maker spaces impact the efficacy of student learning in fields that include science,
engineering, mathematics, music, entrepreneurship, medical/biomedical, architecture, mathematics, literature, and
more. This visit aimed to better understand the makerspace ecosystems and how to develop a makerspace at Cardiff
University within COMSC to facilitate our ongoing and future needs.
ISAM 2022
NOV 2022
Georgia Tech Aware Home Visit
Charith Perera visited
Georgia Tech's Aware Home to support ongoing smart home development at Cardiff University. The Aware Home Research
Initiative (AHRI) at the Georgia Institute of Technology is an interdisciplinary research endeavour aimed at
addressing the fundamental technical, design, and social challenges for people in a home setting. Aware Home is a
3-story, 5040-square-foot facility designed to facilitate research while providing an authentic home environment.
Aware Home
OCT 2022
BRE Smart Space Workshop
We organised a Smart Space Workshop at
The Building Research Establishment to better understand the research landscape from BRE engineers' point of view.
BRE is a centre of building science in the United Kingdom, owned by a charitable organisation, the BRE Trust.
Throughout the workshop, we discussed future challenges of IoT/cybersecurity in smart places and the role of
industrial research. We focused on cyber-physical security, resilience and trust in s supply chain, construction,
industry 4.0, policy, standardization and more.
OCT 2022
Innovate UK CyberASAP
Our project has graduated to the CyberASAP
Phase 2 programme funded by DCMS/Innovate UK to develop a Proof of Concept (PoC)/Feasibility Study. Over five months
Charith Perera,
Yasar Majib,
Hakan Kayan will go through this program. our project aims
to develop and commercialize a resilient cyber-physical anomaly detection framework to detect cyber-physical
malicious activities within built environments (i.e., smart homes and buildings).
CyberASAP Phase 2
OCT 2022
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Rayan Binlajdam
Charith Perera, Oktay Karakus, Pablo Orozco-terWengel, Benoit Goossens and Omer Rana) who will be working
Integrate a Heterogeneous set of Data towards Developing a Forest Health Index
PhD Project
OCT 2022
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Siyuan Li
Charith Perera, and Yuhua Li) who will be working on
Low Cost Adaptive Mobile Sensing within Buildings
towards Augmenting Smart Buildings project.
PhD Project
SEP 2022
Nada Alhirabi (PhD Student)
presented her poster paper titled
"Privacy-Patterns for IoT Application Developers" at Ubicomp 2022. In this
paper, we present the findings of a controlled study and discuss how this privacy-preserving tool increases the
ability of IoT developers to apply privacy laws (such as GDPR) and privacy patterns. Our students demonstrate that
the PARROT prototype tool increases the awareness of privacy requirements in design and increases the likelihood of
the subsequent design to be more cognisant of data privacy requirements.
Designing PbD IoT
AUG 2022
Undergraduate IoT Projects
So pleased to see the creative work
done by IoT module students this year (21/22). Congratulations to this year's winners: Group 18 (Suhail Ahmed,
Thomas M John, Jack Sanderson, Gabriela Kurteva, Joseph Bywater, Tafadzwa Machengo, Olly H.). This was the first
time we ran the IoT module with hands-on development due to COVID. Hope this inspires the future cohorts to come.
Demo School of Computer Science and
Internet of Things: Systems Design
JUL 2022
Postgraduate Research International Experience
Hamed and
Omar Mousa recently visited www.dgfc.life to gain international research experience. As part
of the dissertation, Naeima is working on semantic data integration towards forest observatory based app ecosystem.
Omar is making linked data discoverable through end-user development (EUD) techniques to support bioscience and
wildlife research in the context of data observatories. They went to DGFC to work with bioscientists and wildlife
conservationists to test their project and learn more about the domain.
Forest Observatory Semantic Data Integration For Forest
Observatory End-User Development For Linked Data
JUN 2022
Undergraduate International Experience
Ruslan Levond
Jacob Harkins recently visited www.dgfc.life to gain international work experience. As part of their
dissertation, Ruslan developed an IoT Edge device to capture and classify species using sounds to support wildlife
conservation activities. Jacob developed a technique to predict animal movements using collar data to help fight
poaching and save animals. They went to DGFC to work with bioscientists and wildlife conservationists to test their
project and learn more about the domain.
Forest Observatory
JUN 2022
Infosecurity Europe
Yasar Majib and
Hakan Kayan
attended Infosecurity exibition. Infosecurity Europe is the biggest cyber security event for the information
security community, took place at ExCeL London from 21-23 June 2022. This visit was part of the CyberASAP program
which provides assistance on commercilisation cyber security solutions.
JUN 2022
PETRAS Smart Space Workshop
We hosted PETRAS Smart Space
Workshop at Cardiff University by bringing a number of industrial, government, and academic partners. Over the
course of the day, we discussed future challenges of IoT/cybersecurity in smart places and the role of
academic/industrial research. We focused on resilience and trust in smart homes, buildings and cities. The PETRAS
National Centre of Excellence aims to ensure that technological advances in the IoT are developed and applied in
consumer and business contexts, safely and securely.
APR 2022
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Fatmah Alqarni
Charith Perera, and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Facilitating Novice Software Engineers to Learn
Privacy by Design and Privacy Laws through AI-Mediated Exploration and Design Activities
APR 2022
Innovate UK CyberASAP
We have received funding from Innovate UK
to go through the CyberASAP program designed to help academics commercialise their ideas. Over four months period
Charith Perera,
Yasar Majib,
Hakan Kayan will go through this program.
MAR 2022
EPSRC Circular Economy Workshop
Charith Perera attended
an EPSRC workshop at
Circular economy community engagement. The objectives of the workshop was to: (1)
increase the awareness and understanding of the role of EPS research in delivering a transition to a circular
economy, (2) increase the awareness and understanding of how to embed circularity in EPS research, (3) encourage
interaction between a wide range of stakeholders and partners with expertise or interest in the circular economy,
(4) identify research challenges and opportunities that could be developed as future priorities and develop
understanding of the support needed to ensure research in the area delivers maximum impact.
MAR 2022
UK 5G Showcase
We attended UK’s 5G Showcase to demonstrate the
work we did in the CoCoRe project. This two-day physical conference and exhibition curated to demonstrate the
benefits emerging from the UK’s 5G Testbeds & Trials Programme and to matchmake with investment and partnership
opportunities to accelerate the move to market adoption. The event was targeted at senior stakeholders from the
investment community, government, industry and the public sector, from the UK and across the globe.
UK 5G Showcase CoCoRE Project
FEB 2022
CoCoRE Student Hackathon
We organised a hackathon to identify
how 5G connectivity can support the rural economy, public services and citizen well being (e.g. healthcare) for
rural communities in Wales. Hackathon was funded by 5G Unlocked (CoCoRE) projects. Students developed additional
scenarios based on or extended the use cases that have already been developed and identified how the data being
produced from the project could be used to develop additional services. Thanks to Yaser, Ioan, Irene and Amir for
their support in organizing.
5G Wales
JAN 2022
UKIERI-DST UrbanCPS Workshop
Charith Perera attended the
UKIERI-DST UrbanCPS workshop on
Engineering Privacy Aware Urban Scale Cyber Physical Systems organised by
University of Surrey, UK, and IIT-Kharagpur, India. To address the emerging challenges, this UK-India Partnership
Development workshop brings together subject experts and researchers from India and the UK, to creatively expand our
understanding of Engineering Privacy Aware Urban Scale Cyber Physical Systems.
UrbanCPS Workshop
DEC 2021
Technical Report
This year, our research group expanded around
three IoT themes: Privacy Fluid, Data Observatories, and ResilientSensing.AI, plus an additional theme on Learning
Technologies for IoT. We've welcomed eight PhD and one MPhil students undertaking projects in these areas. Notably,
we established a Smart Home lab with over 100 devices for practical research. We also launched the Forest
Observatory Interdisciplinary Research program (forest-observatory.org), addressing global challenges like
deforestation and climate change, with funding from GCRF and EPSRC. A year-long secondment at the Buildings Research
Establishment (BRE), funded by PETRAS, and a new MSc module on 'Edge Analytics', developed with IIT Ropar and IIIT
Kottayam and funded by the British Council, are among our key initiatives.
Annual Report
NOV 2021
British Council Going Global India
We have received funding from
British Council Going Global India Exploratory Grants Program to develop an MSc module on Edge Analytics in
collaboration with two leading Indian Universities, the Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India and Indian
Institute of Information Technology, Kottayam, India. The project is led by Omer Rana.
Edge Analytics
NOV 2021
Integrity Checking at the Edge (ICE) for
Operational Decision Support (ICE-ODS) project will integrate the outcomes of the PETRAS-funded “Integrity Checking
at the Edge (ICE)” project, into a prototype operational decision support mechanism at Thales UK. This project is
funded through PETRAS Internal Strategic Projects & Engagements Fund (ISPEF). The project is lead by Pete Burnap.
OCT 2021
EPSRC International Partnerships
This project aims to strengthen
international collaborations by setting up a series of collaborative projects across partners (VortexIoT, Danau
Girang Field Centre, Universiti Malaysia Sabah). The project is led by Omer Rana.
EPSRC Forest Observatory Project/
OCT 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Mohammed Alosaimi
Charith Perera, and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Developing an Evaluation Framework for Anomaly
Detection within Built Environments project.
PhD Project
OCT 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Suhas Devmane
Charith Perera, and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Talking Buildings: Understand Pattern of life
PhD Project
OCT 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Azhar Alsufyani
Charith Perera, and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Context Aware Knowledge-driven Cyber-Physical
Security at the Edge for Smart Homes project.
PhD Project
JUL 2021
Placement Projects
Welcome to four new placement students:
Akin Kaki (who will working on Data Observatory programme),
Mary Zacharias (who will working on
ResilientSensing.AI programme focusing on smart home testbeds),
Osian Morgan (who will working on
ResilientSensing.AI programme focusing anomaly detection using resource constrained tiny devices). project.
Placement Projects
JUL 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Norah Albazzai
Charith Perera, and Omer Rana in colloborations with Building Research Establishment (BRE)) who will be
working on
Explore the Role of Tiny Cameras Towards Augmenting Anomaly Detection within Smart Homes project.
PhD Project
JUL 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Abdulaziz Aljohani
Charith Perera, and Omer Rana in colloborations with GCHQ) who will be working on
Internet of Things Architecture for Context-Aware Anomaly Detection Towards Rapid Deployments project.
PhD Project
JUL 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new MPhil student
Yaser Awwad
Charith Perera, and Omer Rana in colloborations with CoCoRE project and its partners) who will be working
Video Analytics towards Anomaly Detection on the Edge for Smart Cities project.
PhD Project
JUL 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new MPhil student
David Winter
Charith Perera, Kathryn Jones, and Omer Rana) who will be working on
The Impact of AI-Assisted
Personalised Blended Learning Towards Addressing the Challenges in Disparity of Capability within Large Student
Cohorts: Internet of Things Education project.
PhD Project
JUN 2021
Summer School Talk
Charith Perera gave a talk at Joint
Cyber Security CDTs Summer School 2021. The summer school aimed to explore the complex challenges around resilience
and to facilitate the interdisciplinary interactions that this problem space demands. The talk was based on the work
conducted as part of the GCHQ National Resilience Fellowship. This event was jointly organised by EPSRC Centres for
Doctoral Training in Cyber Security.
(University of Bristol, University of Bath, RHUL, University of Oxford, UCL)
MAR 2021
EPSRC Digital Economy Sustainable Digital Society
Circular Supply Chain For the Built Environment multi-disciplinary project (combining expertise in business models,
sustainable supply chains, civil engineering/ built environments, and computer science) brings together a team from
academia (Cardiff and Newcastle Universities) and industry (HS2, Arup, Celsa Steel, RPL, SeroHomes, DXC, Galia
Digital) utilising prior experience from a number of collaborative research projects with industry (including a
blockchain pilot with UK Construction Smart Contract Committee). The project is lead by
Yingli Wang from Cardiff Business School.
EPSRC Scalable
Circular Supply Chain Project
MAR 2021
Resilient Built Environments (ResBE) is a 12
month secondment project funded by EPSRC PETRAS.
In this secondment, we aim to explore how to add layers of resilience to built environments in the context of the
Internet of Things (IoT).
Charith Perera will be working with a team at the Building Research Establishment
(BRE) over the next 12 months. The Project set to start in July
JAN 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Wael Alsafery
Charith Perera, and Omer Rana) who will be working on
RSensing as a Service within Buildings Towards
Data-Driven Collaborative Service Design project.
PhD Project
JAN 2021
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Omar Mousa
Charith Perera, Omer Rana, Pablo Orozco Ter Wengel, and Benoit Goossens in colloboration with School of
Biosciences and Danau Girang Field Centre) who will be working on
End-User Development for Linked-Data
Observatories project.
PhD Project
DEC 2020
Technical Report
The research group is now restructured around
three research themes (and an additional theme dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning experience) related to
the Internet of Things (IoT) with a significant emphasis on build-driven research method: (1) Privacy Fluid, (2)
Data Observatories, (3) ResilientSensing.AI, (4) Learning Technologies For Internet of Things. Six PhD students and
an MPhil student have started working on these themes this year. We designed, developed, and published an IoT module
link ) to be delivered at both the undergraduate and postgraduate
level. Most of the BSc and MSc projects got affected by COVID-19 as we were unable to conduct evaluations. GCHQ has
awarded Charith Perera a National Resilience Fellowship. Projects will start in January 2021.
Annual Report
NOV 2020
GCHQ National Resilience Fellowship
CyPhyRadar: Detecting Cyber Attacks Using
SecondaryInternet of Things Sensors in Smart Buildings is a six month project funded by GCHQ. This fellowship
aims to explore how can we use low-cost multi-sensors (e.g., temperature, vibration, motion, etc.) to detect
anomalies in a given environment to detect potential cyber attacks against ICS. Malicious actors always try to find
sophisticated ways to carry-out attacks. To prevent attacks that evade NTA, we aim to develop a secondary layer of
protection based on physical behaviour to mitigate the weaknesses of NTA. It is important to note that our intention
is not to ignore NTA based techniques. Instead, our objective is to add more resilient to BMS network by adding a
secondary protection layer of security.
Charith Perera will be working with a team at GCHQ and The Landing as
a National Resilience Research Fellow over the next six months.
GCHQ CyPhyRadar Project
OCT 2020
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Mark Butterworth
(Part-time) (supervised
Charith Perera, Omer Rana, Pablo Orozco Ter Wengel, and Benoit Goossens in colloboration with School of
Biosciences and Danau Girang Field Centre) who will be working on
Low Power IoT Infrastructure for Harsh
Environments project.
PhD Project
OCT 2020
New Starter
Welcome to new MPhil student
Dominic Fonseca
Charith Perera, Georgina Powell, Omer Rana, and in colloboration with iPoint) who will be working on
Predictive Edge Analytics for Sanitary Facility Monitoring project.
OCT 2020
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Reem Aldhafiri
Charith Perera, Omer Rana and Petroc Sumner in colloboration with School of Psychology) who will be
working on
Cyber Physical Privacy for Ageing and Learning Disabilities project.
PhD Project
OCT 2020
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Yasar Majib
Charith Perera and Omer Rana in colloborations with Building Research Establishment (BRE)) who will be
working on
Context Aware Security for Smart Homes using Cyber Physical Data Analysis project.
PhD Project
JUN 2020
EPSRC Workshop
Charith Perera attended the EPSRC
workshop on
Identifying challenges for a Sustainable Digital Society.
The objectives of the workshop were to: (1) Establish the main research challenges and opportunities within the
EPSRC "Sustainable Digital Society" priority area, (2) Discuss the current capabilities in the UK to create a
Sustainable Digital Society and pinpoint any gaps, (3) Produce a list of priorities and sub-priorities for research
that will be used to develop a targeted call, (4) Generate output that will inform future Research Council strategy.
MAY 2020
Shared Spaces Workshop@Ubicomp
We (
Charith Perera, Jason
Wiese, Jacky Bourgeois, Gerd Kortuem) are organising a workshop titled
"Building a Research Agenda for Shared Smart
Spaces" at ACM Ubicomp 2021. This workshop explores how to leveragethe Internet of Things technologies
and data-driven approaches todesign interactions specifically for shared smart spaces. We will use design jams as a
key activity to explore and build up potentialdesign guidelines and methodology for shared smart spaces, and
toidentify open research questions relating to shared smart spaces. Please consider attending. Look forward to
meeting you in Cancun, Mexico.
ACM Ubicomp 2021
APR 2020
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Naeima Hamed
Charith Perera, Omer Rana, Pablo Orozco Ter Wengel, and Benoit Goossens) who will be working on
Semantic Data Integration for Forest Observatory based
Early Warning System Towards Poaching Activities Piction project.
PhD Project
APR 2020
PMC Workshop@ICDM
We (Mahmoud Barhamgi, Xiangliang Zhang,
Charith Perera, Chia-Mu Yu) are organising a workshop titled
"Privacy Management in the Cyberspace" at IEEE ICDM 2020. The goal of this workshop is to collect
recent advances, innovations and practices in data and knowledge engineering for building security and privacy
protection systems, techniques and solutions that provide effective data and privacy protection for users and
contribute to increase their trust in the cyberspace. Please consider submiting a paper.
MAR 2020
ACM TOIT Special Issue
We (Mahmoud Barhamgi, Michael N. Huhns,
Pınar Yolum,
Charith Perera) are organising an special issue titled
"Human-Centered Security, Privacy, and
Trust in the Internet of Things" in
Please consider submitting a paper.
FEB 2020
DCMS 5G Programme CoCoRE
Connected Communities in the Rural
Economy (CoCoRE) is a collaborative project to be
delivered by experts at Cardiff University is aiming to unlock the potential of 5G technology in rural Wales. The
project will assess how state-of-the-art technology can improve various aspects of life, from tackling rural
isolation, to improving farm security and bolstering the tourism industry.
InnovateUK PETRAS2 CoCoRE Project
JAN 2020
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Hakan Kayan
Charith Perera and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Context Aware Security for cyber Physical Edge
for industrial control systems (CASPER) project.
JAN 2020
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Asma Irfan
Charith Perera and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Interactive AI Technologies for
Behaviour-Based Energy uction in Office Buildings project.
DEC 2019
Technical Report
Our first annual report is out!. Internet of
Things Research and Teaching: Vision and Mission Annual Report (2019). The research group is structured around five
research themesrelated to the Internet of Things (IoT) with a significant emphasis on build-driven research method:
(1) Design-Time Privacy and Security, (2) Run-Time Privacy and Security, (3) Data Marketplaces, (4) Sensing
Infrastructure, (5) Learning Technology. Six PhD students have started working on these themes, including two
affiliated PhD students. Three MSc students completed their dissertations. Five BSc students completed their final
projects including two publications. A postdoctoral researcher started working on a PETRAS Catalyst project
(Integrity Checking at the Edge). We hosted two Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP)
summer students.
Annual Report
NOV 2019
New Starter
Welcome to
Matthew Nunes who will be joining
us as
new Research Associate to work on EPSRC PETRAS 2 Funded Catalyser
Integrity Checking at the Edge (ICE)
project. The two year ICE project will study the factories and water treatment systems of the future, undertaking
composite vulnerability analysis of interactions between edge devices, cloud platforms and legacy systems. This
vulnerability analysis will be complemented by the use of AI at the edge of such systems to create and improve
methods to demonstrate transparent processes mapping of data flows to expected activity at the periphery of
integrated systems with advanced visualisation methods, and provide security and resilience assurances for critical
infrastructures of the future.
OCT 2019
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Bayan AlMuhander
(supervised by
Charith Perera and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Interactive Privacy Preferences
Management in
Shared Spaces in Internet of Things project.
PhD Project
SEP 2019
NHS Expo Talk
Charith Perera gave a talk at SETsquared
Innovation Workshop at Health and Care Innovation Expo 2019 held at the Manchester Central Convention Complex. The
NHS Expo is the biggest NHS-led event of the year attracting around 5,000 people from the NHS, social care, local
government, the third sector and the commercial sector. The Innovation Workshops brought together 50 participants
made up of businesses, academic researchers and NHS organisations, to explore and develop collaborations around
Government’s Healthy Ageing Challenge.
AUG 2019
Summer Projects
Two second year students completed their summer
projects and research training funded by the Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP).
Ruslan Levond worked on "Living Edge Laboratory" project, and
Michal Malecki worked on "IoT Lab Book"
Living Edge Laboratory
IoT Lab Book
JUL 2019
DGFC Visit
Charith Perera visited
Danau Girang Field Centre in Borneo to discuss and co-design
sustainable Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to augment the capabilities of bioscience researchers, wildlife
officers, and law enforcement officers. During the 14 day visit, Charith travelled across Sabah, Malaysia, visiting
Kota Kinabalu, Mountain Kinabalu, Sandakan before reaching Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary where DGFC is
JUL 2019
Global Opportunities Fund
Global Mobility Field Visit
Two of our final year undergraduate
students (
Jack Burkett and
Karan Juj) visited
Danau Girang
Field Centre in Borneo for three weeks. During their visit, they worked hand-in-hand with both bioscience
researchers and field centre staff to test the solutions they developed to address some of the challenges faced by
wildlife researchers. As part of the final year project, Jack developed a
Low-Cost SMS Driven Location Tracking
System for Anti-Poaching Investigations. Karan developed a
Low Cost SustaiExploring the Suitability of BLE
Beacons to Track Poacher Vehicles in Harsh Jungle Terrains. They also interviewed a number of staff members
and researcher at DGFC and produced a report by identifying the major challenges they face and outlining potential
technical solutions and research directions.
Tracking Poachers using BLE Beacons
Tracking Poachers using GPS/SMS
MAY 2019
Quarriable Smart City Data Markets project
(2019-2021) has been jointly funded by EPSRC and Digital Catapult, London. The funding was given to initiate a
project affiliated to H2020 funded SynchroniCity project. SynchroniCity project aims to create a data marketplace
that facilitates businesses to develop IoT- and AI-enabled services to improve the lives of citizens and to grow
local economies. This project aims to enrich data with semantic capabilities using ontologies and reasoning
techniques by allowing data consumers to query data semantically.
Charith Perera will be working with
SynchroniCity team at
Digital Catapult as a Researher-in-Residence over the next 2.5 years.
EPSRC Quarriable Smart City Data Markets
APR 2019
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Atheer Jeraisy
(supervised by
Charith Perera and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Motivating Software Engineers to
Privacy-aware Internet of Things (IoT) Applications through Reusable Privacy Components and Gamification
Techniques project.
PhD Project
APR 2019
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Emad Aliwa
by Omer Rana and
Charith Perera) who will be working on
Detecting In-Vehicle Cyber Attacks through
Area Network (CAN) Bus Data Analytics on-the-Edge project. This is a collaboration with iPoint
PhD Project
MAR 2019
GCRF Facilitation
We have received funding to conduct two
workshops in Sabah, Malaysia and Cardiff, UK in order to explore challenges faced by Sabah Wildlife. Our overall
vision is to develop a sustainable Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to augment the capabilities of bioscience
researchers, wildlife officers, and law enforcement officers. This is a colloborative research effort with Omer
Rana, Pablo Orozco Ter Wengel and Benoit Goossens.
GCRF Sustainable IoT Infrastructure
FEB 2019
EPSRC ECR Capital Award
We have received funding to set up a new
Edge Computing infrastructure called
'Edge Living Lab'. It enables us to develop a new class of applications
(and underlying computational analysis algorithms) that are ‘latency-sensitive’. The laboratory will enable us to
carry out internationally leading research in cybersecurity, real-time data processing and communication networks.
The laboratory will be realised by a combination of Raspberry Pi and Arduino boards, that are distributed across
open spaces and existing laboratories.
EPSRC Edge Living Lab
JAN 2019
EPSRC has renewed the PETRAS Research Centre for
another five years (2019-2023). The PETRAS 2 National Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cybersecurity has a
strong focus on Edge computing. Cardiff University will deliver one of the Catalyser
Integrity Checking at the
Edge (ICE) project. PETRAS 2 is a 14M GBP inventment by EPSRC which brings 12 universities together to address
the challenges related to privacy, security, trust in IoT. This is a collaboration with Pete Burnap.
JAN 2019
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Areej Alabbas
(supervised by Omer Rana and
Charith Perera) who will be working on
Optimal Placement and Scheduling of
Function Chaining (SFCs) under Security Constraints project.
PhD Project
DEC 2018
MDPI SENSORS Special Issue
We (
Charith Perera, Mahmoud
Barhamgi, Massimo Vecchio, Júlio Cezar Estrella, Kuo-Hui Yeh) are organising an special issue titled
"Internet of
Things Middleware Platforms and Sensing Infrastructure" in
SENSORS. Please consider submitting a paper.
Submit Now
DEC 2018
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Lamya Alkhriji
(supervised by
Charith Perera and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Augmenting Software Design Processes
Automated Privacy-aware Internet of Things Application Design Techniques project.
PhD Project
NOV 2020
DSI4 Workshop@EDBT
We (Christoph Quix, Matthias Jarke, Albert
Bifet, Miguel Correia,
Charith Perera) are organising a workshop titled
"First International Workshop on Data Science for Industry
4.0" at EDBT 2019. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers from different domains and to
discuss the challenges for data science in industrial settings. The workshop will provide a forum for the
presentation of recent research results, work-in-progress reports, vision papers, and an attractive keynote speaker.
Please consider submiting a paper.
EDBT 2019
OCT 2018
New Starter
Welcome to new PhD student
Nada Alhirabi
(supervised by
Charith Perera and Omer Rana) who will be working on
Interactive Design Method for
Software Design Process Toward Privacy-Aware Internet of Things Application Designs project.
PhD Project