% Encoding: UTF-8 @Article{8497006, author = {M. Barhamgi and C. Perera and C. Ghedira and D. Benslimane}, title = {User-centric Privacy Engineering for the Internet of Things}, journal = {IEEE Cloud Computing}, year = {2018}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {47-57}, month = {Sep}, issn = {2325-6095}, doi = {10.1109/MCC.2018.053711666}, keywords = {data privacy;modern smart cyberphysical systems;future data collection architectures;effective privacy protection;smarthome scenario;example architecture;privacy risks;future data-processing systems;smart cyber-physical systems;user-centric privacy engineering;user privacy concerns;Data privacy;Privacy;Energy consumption;Cyber-physical systems;Monitoring;Home appliances;Computer architecture;Internet of Things;privacy protection;smart cyber physical systems;cloud;cloud computing}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}